Thursday, June 23, 2011

Beauty Insider: "Exercise"

I've been looking forward to writing this Blog post - my only drawback was 'time' which I happen to seem have much of, but in actuality I don't. All my time is dedicated to my happy and jolly baby girl Mehreen who is an active crawler and always demands my attention. I love her to bits. Just her smile alone makes my heart overflow with love. :)

Lately my exercise regimen consists of going to the YMCA, four to five times a week and per my brother Nabeel's suggestion, I am using the Stairmaster at the gym. I must say, I am seeing results and I'm quite happy with my progress. I just need to be more regular to achieve my goal and for that, I've given myself a deadline till Mehreen's birthday - October 22nd. Translation of Naila's goal setting strategy : "Mehreen turns 1 ---> Mommy must look hot!"

The glorified Stairmaster that I've fallen in love with:

This segment is a continuation and a part of the series ' Beauty Inside and Out'. I have divided beauty pursuits into four categories: skin care, food, oral health and exercise. In order to maintain yourself and to stay fit & ever beautiful, one needs to master all these categories and live a full and happy life. Nourishing your body by taking care of its skin, its nutrition, its digestive system and all bodily functions - only shows that we as humans are grateful for what we've been blessed with. Deliberate laziness only adds to the fact that we don't care and have taken life for granted. 

While the Stairmaster takes care of my 25 minute workout of the day, I am also thinking on starting yoga at home. I have everything to my convenience; a laptop, netflix subscription, a stay-at-home lifestyle, an active baby who loves to climb on mommy and now since I'm seeing results and feeling good about myself, I have also gained the spirit to actually do it! I am so happy to be focusing on all the good things in life. It's easy to fall into the trap of self-pity and complain, but it's much harder [at first!] to courage up the motivation and have a result driven attitude. I love seeing results. Whether it's the very basic day-to-day house chores or a plain day of being 'mommy' - it's all good. As long as the result of my efforts pays off and I know I've done a good job at the end of the day.

So yes, beautiful people who are skinny biatches, lol...happen to stay skinny & fit because it's their motivation/lifestyle/need to feel and look desirable. And yes, DESIRABLE is definitely what a woman wants to feel, especially after having a baby. Do not lose your zest for life, ladies. You can do anything and nothing is impossible. Even when the day seems to be such a drag and everything moves in slow-motion around you [believe me, today I felt like a sleep deprived zombie], I'll tell you; it's okay to indulge. 

Today, I didn't do anything. I just didn't feel like it. I put Mehreen in her car seat and made my way to the Mall where I felt like spending a little on highly discounted [60-70% off] baby sale items. I did however walk throughout the entire Mall and considered today's mall visit my workout. Note to self: I should refrain from getting mouthwatering coffee drinks and just stick to my bottle of water. Oops.

Perfect bodies ain't happenin', but the pursuit of looking our best and FEELING fantastic even at gloomy days like today as the weather clearly screamed for a Mc Donalds Mocha Frappe while the rain was generously pouring on Houston, making the air feel like a soft blanket. You just wanna shop, eat and sleep. 

How can something look THIS good and be SOOO bad? Argh.

I managed to accomplish the first two mindless and lazy tasks on my nothing-to-do-list, but as a mom of an 8 month old [Mehreen turned 8 months yesterday - woohoo!], I am in constant battle in wanting to sleep and trying to stay productive all at the same time. I have noticed the correlation of sleep deprivation vs. mindless munching on snacks -- oh yes, it's definitely there! Today, I reached for cookies in the farthest end corner of my kitchen pantry and ate half a bag of baked pita chips with hummus. Also, a tall order of Mocha Frappe seemed such a delight since the timing was so PERFECT; raindrops started falling out of the sky as I listened to my sinful-icious craving and eventually gave in. "It's OKAY", I said.

I may be fat today, but tomorrow I'll be a skinny biatch. 

Let. me. live.



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